







來(lái)源:inomedik.com 時(shí)間:2023-10-15 10:39:12


蘇州北美國際高級中學(xué) AP藝術(shù)

在College Board開(kāi)設的38門(mén)課程中,有一類(lèi)非常特殊且有趣的存在,那便是AP arts 藝術(shù)課程。旗下開(kāi)設5門(mén)課程:

AP Music Theory音樂(lè )樂(lè )理

AP Art History藝術(shù)史

AP Drawing繪畫(huà)

AP 2D藝術(shù)設計

AP 3D藝術(shù)設計


In the 38 courses offered by the College Board, there is a very special and interesting category known as AP arts courses.

Within this category, there are 5 courses: AP Music Theory, AP Art History, and three art design practice courses - AP Drawing, AP 2D Art Design, and AP 3D Art Design.

Among these, the three art courses are the ones that students are most curious about and inquire about the most.

Today, let's start by discussing these three AP art courses.

AP藝術(shù)設計項目旨在培養學(xué)生藝術(shù)設計能力的同時(shí),鍛煉學(xué)生的思考以及創(chuàng )作能力,并且十分注重對藝術(shù)上表達和溝通能力。通過(guò)學(xué)習這三門(mén)課程,同學(xué)們將研究調查一個(gè)獨立課題,并在這個(gè)主題的基礎上創(chuàng )作出一系列的原創(chuàng )藝術(shù)作品。

和其他課程相比,這三門(mén)課最特殊的一點(diǎn)就是,它們不需要參加傳統意義上的考試,而是線(xiàn)上提交作品集。在完成注冊后,官網(wǎng)上會(huì )發(fā)放一個(gè)作品上傳鏈接,報考的同學(xué)只需在截止日期前按要求完成上傳即可。

The AP Art Design courses are designed to cultivate students' artistic design skills while also developing their thinking and creative abilities. They place significant emphasis on artistic expression and communication. Through the study of these three courses, students will research and investigate an independent topic and create a series of original art pieces based on that theme.

What sets these three courses apart from others is that they do not require traditional exams. Instead, students are required to submit a portfolio of their work online. After registering, the College Board website provides a link for submitting the portfolio, and students need to complete the submission as per the requirements before the deadline.

作品集的主要內容分為兩大類(lèi),15-20的同系列藝術(shù)創(chuàng )作,以及相關(guān)的文字創(chuàng )作靈感解釋。

在上傳時(shí)會(huì )分為兩部分進(jìn)行上傳,SI藝術(shù)調查發(fā)展階段作品15幅,占分60%;和精選作品5幅,占比40%。
The portfolio consists of two main categories: a set of 15-20 related artistic creations and associated written explanations of the creative inspiration.

During the submission, there are two parts to upload: the Sustained Investigation (SI) Art Development Phase, which includes 15 pieces and accounts for 60% of the score, and the Selected Works, which comprise 5 pieces and make up 40% of the score.

The specific types of work to be uploaded vary depending on the subject of the course.

AP Drawing

AP Drawing的課程的主要作品方式就是繪畫(huà),在自定課題的基礎上,創(chuàng )作一系列繪畫(huà),但不限于線(xiàn)描、油畫(huà)、卡通、數字繪畫(huà)等等等等,只要是運用到繪畫(huà)能力的表現方式,都可以用來(lái)遞交AP Drawing的考試。

AP Drawing對技巧的評判標準也是相對比較顯而易見(jiàn)的,繪畫(huà)的完成度高,構型的技巧,上色的技巧等等,都是評判AP Drawing技巧的標準。
The main form of artistic expression in the AP Drawing course is drawing. Students create a series of drawings based on self-selected themes, and this can encompass various drawing techniques such as line drawing, oil painting, cartoons, digital art, and more. Any form of artistic expression that involves drawing skills can be submitted for the AP Drawing exam.

The evaluation criteria for AP Drawing primarily focus on technical skills. High levels of completeness in the drawings, compositional skills, coloring techniques, and other technical aspects are essential factors in assessing the skills of the students in AP Drawing.

▲SNA Kalare 學(xué)姐AP drawing 5分作品


AP 2D Art and Design

AP 2D藝術(shù)設計是基于平面畫(huà)面的表達方式,與AP Drawing所不同的是,2D可以囊括更多的藝術(shù)表達方式,以及嘗試涉及更多的藝術(shù)材料。


由于設計范圍的多樣,2D的評分標準也相對比較寬泛。它會(huì )從多種設計方式,比如畫(huà)面平衡度、色彩使用、圖形設計等多方面來(lái)綜合評判作品,但總體來(lái)說(shuō),還是對畫(huà)面的表現力打分。
AP 2D Art Design focuses on two-dimensional expressions and differs from AP Drawing in that it encompasses a wider range of artistic expressions and encourages the use of various artistic materials.

The 2D art expressions can include a variety of stylized illustrations and can incorporate perse forms of expression such as photography, graphic design, collage, printmaking, and more. There are no limitations on the artistic materials involved; students can use multiple drawing materials simultaneously or integrate various materials into the artwork as long as the final result remains two-dimensional.

Due to the perse design possibilities, the evaluation criteria for AP 2D Art Design are relatively broad. The assessment takes into account various design aspects, including visual balance, color usage, graphic design, and more, but overall, the emphasis is on the visual expression of the artwork.

AP 3D Art and Design

對AP課程分數比較了解的同學(xué)們可能知道,AP 3D作為AP課程里最難的幾門(mén)課之一,已經(jīng)連續兩年問(wèn)鼎“最低5分率”的榜首了。或許是這點(diǎn)經(jīng)常讓大家對3D課望而卻步,但事實(shí)上3D藝術(shù)設計可以說(shuō)是藝術(shù)課程里最有趣的一門(mén)。
For students who are well-versed in AP course scores, they may know that AP 3D, as one of the most challenging courses in the AP program, has consistently ranked as the course with the highest "percentage of students scoring a 5" for the past two years. Perhaps this fact often discourages students from taking the 3D course. However, in reality, 3D Art Design can be considered one of the most interesting courses in the realm of art.

3D藝術(shù)的作品形式囊括了雕塑、陶瓷藝術(shù)、金屬藝術(shù)加工、建筑模型、3D建模、紡織服裝、空間裝置、行為藝術(shù)等眾多涉及到空間和立體構造的藝術(shù)形式,參加這門(mén)課的同學(xué)會(huì )接觸到很多之前從沒(méi)有接觸過(guò)的藝術(shù)門(mén)類(lèi)。


3D的評分標準基本與前兩者相同,會(huì )從不同的方面來(lái)評判作品。相對來(lái)說(shuō)會(huì )提高難度的主要會(huì )體現在文字解釋方面,3D的作品說(shuō)明需要涉及到每一個(gè)元素和材料的解釋?zhuān)枰瑢W(xué)從主題構思階段就開(kāi)始考慮材料和主題的關(guān)聯(lián)性。
The forms of artwork in 3D Art Design encompass various spatial and three-dimensional artistic expressions, including sculpture, ceramics, metal art processing, architectural models, 3D modeling, textile and clothing, spatial installations, and performance art. Students taking this course will be exposed to many different art disciplines they may not have encountered before.

Additionally, 3D art requires hands-on interaction with materials, with students experimenting with new materials and crafting artwork regularly. Transforming their ideas into three-dimensional reality can be a highly enjoyable process for students.

The scoring criteria for 3D Art Design are similar to the previous two courses but may present increased challenges in terms of written explanations. The descriptions for 3D artworks need to include explanations for every element and material used, and students are required to consider the relationship between materials and the theme from the conceptual stage.


AP Art Design courses cover various art disciplines and are suitable for students with different interests. Suzhou North America High School offers all 38 AP courses within the AP program, including the three practical art AP courses mentioned above. In the 2023 exams, students from Suzhou North America High School achieved remarkable success in art, with high pass rates and above-average scores compared to the global standards.

根據College Board AP官方統計,在2023年考試中AP 2D的滿(mǎn)分率為12%,而在蘇州北美藝術(shù)學(xué)子的共同努力下,滿(mǎn)分比被拉至驚人的42%,是世界分數線(xiàn)的3.5倍!而在A(yíng)P 3D這門(mén)5分率最低的課程中,蘇州北美學(xué)子也獲得了14%的5分率,是世界5分率的2倍。除此以外,班級里9成同學(xué)獲得了4分及以上的成績(jì),祝賀他們。
According to official statistics from College Board AP, in the 2023 exams, the AP 2D course had a worldwide 12% rate of achieving a perfect score. However, through the collective efforts of students at Suzhou North America High School, this perfect score rate was astonishingly raised to 42%, which is 3.5 times the global average! In the case of the AP 3D course, which has one of the lowest 5-point pass rates, Suzhou North America students also achieved a 14% pass rate, which is twice the worldwide pass rate. Additionally, more than 90% of the students in the class received scores of 4 or higher. Congratulations to them!

對于未來(lái)致力于學(xué)習藝術(shù)的同學(xué)來(lái)說(shuō),學(xué)習AP藝術(shù),向大學(xué)提交AP藝術(shù)成績(jì)會(huì )是申請的優(yōu)先選項。而對非藝術(shù)專(zhuān)業(yè)的同學(xué)們來(lái)說(shuō),AP藝術(shù)也是一門(mén)讓人興趣盎然的課程,會(huì )是文化課和理科課程學(xué)習中的調味劑。許多的藤校級別大U都希望能看見(jiàn)學(xué)生的全面性和多樣性,擁有一門(mén)AP藝術(shù)成績(jì)也會(huì )為申請增光添彩。

AP的3門(mén)藝術(shù)成績(jì)不僅可以用來(lái)給大學(xué)遞交成績(jì),也可以用于替換學(xué)分。比如說(shuō)前往美國Pratt普瑞特藝術(shù)學(xué)院的Eric學(xué)長(cháng),在蘇州北美時(shí)修了AP 2D和AP 3D兩門(mén)課程,并斬獲了一門(mén)4分一門(mén)5分好成績(jì)。在他入學(xué)普瑞特后,這兩門(mén)幫他越換了6分,一下子完成了一年所要求的的15個(gè)學(xué)分的小一半。普瑞特的總學(xué)分是135個(gè),修夠學(xué)分就能畢業(yè)。
For students dedicated to pursuing art in the future, studying AP Art courses and submitting AP Art scores to colleges and universities can be a top priority for their applications. However, for students not pursuing art-related majors, AP Art courses offer an exciting and enriching experience, serving as a complement to their academic coursework in the humanities and sciences. Many prestigious universities, including Ivy League institutions, value students' well-roundedness and persity, and having an AP Art score can enhance an application.

The AP Art scores are not only useful for college applications but can also be used to earn college credits. For instance, an alumni student, Eric, who went on to study at Pratt Institute in the United States, took both AP 2D and AP 3D courses while at Suzhou North America and achieved scores of 4 and 5, respectively. Upon entering Pratt Institute, these two AP Art courses allowed him to earn 6 credits, fulfilling nearly half of the 15 credits required for his first year. Pratt Institute has a total credit requirement of 135, so accumulating enough credits is key to graduation.


Tips for AP learning

1.詳細閱讀解析AP Arts官方給出的評分標準。


Carefully Review the Official AP Arts Scoring Criteria:

For any examination, there are specific scoring criteria, including art. To ensure a fair assessment of perse artistic styles, the official criteria are provided. These criteria go beyond mere requirements for drawing and design. They are categorized to evaluate various aspects of the artwork, such as theme selection, alignment with the chosen theme, progression and development of the project, clarity of written explanations, and the presentation and photography of the artwork.

It's crucial to thoroughly understand these criteria as they guide the evaluators in assessing your work. By aligning your art with these standards, you increase the likelihood of achieving a higher score. These criteria are designed to ensure a fair and consistent evaluation of art, regardless of the style or approach.


藝術(shù)創(chuàng )作是非常花費時(shí)間的,一個(gè)精細的畫(huà)面需要反復雕琢,所以時(shí)間管理會(huì )變得非常重要。如果有一年報了多門(mén)AP考試的情況下,要學(xué)會(huì )合理規劃時(shí)間,AP藝術(shù)通常的上傳日期是5月初,但是上傳系統在前年年末就會(huì )開(kāi)放。同學(xué)可以利用寒假的時(shí)間提前完成作品,在4月前就把作品上傳,把4、5月留給復習其他AP考試。

Effective Time Management is Crucial:

Art creation is a time-consuming process, as meticulous artwork often requires repeated refinement. Therefore, time management becomes extremely important. If you are taking multiple AP exams in a given year, it's essential to plan your time wisely. The typical submission deadline for AP Art is in early May, but the upload system opens in the previous year. You can use your winter break to complete your artwork in advance and upload it by April, leaving April and May for reviewing for other AP exams.

Additionally, AP Art allows you to take multiple art-related AP exams within a year, but the content of your artwork should not be repeated. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to take multiple art AP exams within the same year. Planning your schedule carefully is key to managing your time effectively.



AP藝術(shù)類(lèi)都是基于一個(gè)明確主題的基礎上進(jìn)行創(chuàng )作的,這個(gè)主題的選擇會(huì )尤為重要,并且主題也是評分中的一部分。所以主題不能太過(guò)于老套,也不能太過(guò)于寬泛,需要存在一定的批判性眼光。另外AP藝術(shù)的創(chuàng )作是需要一定的遞進(jìn)性的,在決定主題的同時(shí)就要考慮到未來(lái)的發(fā)展性。
Choose Fresh and Innovative Themes:

All AP Art courses are based on the creation of artwork with a clear theme. The choice of your theme is of paramount importance and is a crucial component of the scoring process. Therefore, your theme should not be too clichéd nor overly broad. It should demonstrate a degree of critical thinking and innovation. Furthermore, your AP Art creation should have a sense of progression. When selecting your theme, consider its potential for future development.

Choosing a theme that is unique and thought-provoking can make your artwork stand out and can contribute to a higher score. It's important to demonstrate your creativity and originality through your choice of theme.


隨著(zhù)去年起Ai藝術(shù)的大爆發(fā),AP官方也修改了條例,堅決堅持對Ai創(chuàng )作的零容忍態(tài)度,禁止Ai出現在學(xué)生作品的各個(gè)階段。無(wú)論是作品、文字描述,甚至是調查階段,皆不允許出現Ai參與的痕跡。
Zero Tolerance for AI:

With the recent surge in AI-generated art, the AP program has amended its regulations to maintain a strict zero-tolerance stance towards AI in art creation. AI is strictly prohibited from any involvement in student artwork at all stages. Whether it's the artwork itself, written descriptions, or even the research phase, any trace of AI involvement is not allowed.

It's crucial to create your artwork independently, ensuring that it reflects your personal creativity and skills. Relying on AI for any aspect of your AP art can result in severe penalties and is discouraged by the AP program.



The requirements for enrolling in AP Art courses

1.喜愛(ài)藝術(shù),熱愛(ài)創(chuàng )作,愿意在藝術(shù)上花費時(shí)間;


3.有一定的原創(chuàng )基礎,請帶著(zhù)作品咨詢(xún)藝術(shù)組老師。

Passion for art, a love for creating, and a willingness to invest time in artistic pursuits.

Possess a basic understanding of drawing or hands-on skills and familiarity with relevant software.

Have some foundational skills in original creation, and feel free to consult with art department teachers with your work.




