







來(lái)源:inomedik.com 時(shí)間:2023-12-19 09:33:32


上海市民辦尚德實(shí)驗學(xué)校創(chuàng )立于2003年9月,是一所涵蓋幼兒園、小學(xué)、初中和高中階段的國際學(xué)校。學(xué)校擁有國際化的視野和一流的教學(xué)師資團隊,在中外課程的融合上,展現出了巨大的潛力與優(yōu)勢。此外,尚德尊重學(xué)生的個(gè)性差異,立志構建獨具尚德特色的課程體系,來(lái)滿(mǎn)足每位學(xué)生的發(fā)展需求,推動(dòng)學(xué)生在個(gè)性化的環(huán)境中全面成長(cháng)。

近日,上海市民辦尚德實(shí)驗學(xué)校融合部舉行了一場(chǎng)精彩紛呈的科學(xué)展,以科學(xué)賦能未來(lái),以教育培育創(chuàng )新人才。


Science Empowers the future

近日,融合部DP、A Level與美加三部聯(lián)合舉辦了主題為“科學(xué)賦能未來(lái)”的科學(xué)展系列活動(dòng),旨在為同學(xué)們提供一個(gè)置身于科學(xué)殿堂,浸潤于科學(xué)文化的機會(huì )。此次科學(xué)展共分為五部分,開(kāi)幕式、科學(xué)項目展示、院士對話(huà)、創(chuàng )新論壇模擬答辯與大社區學(xué)習。

On Dec. 4th, 2023, the Science Fair with the theme of "Science empowers the future” was jointly organized by Diploma Program, Noble Academy, and the A Level divisions. This science fair is divided into 5 parts.


開(kāi)幕式 Opening Ceremony

“科學(xué), 賦能未來(lái);創(chuàng )新,決勝未來(lái)!” 盛大的開(kāi)幕式拉開(kāi)了科學(xué)展的帷幕。在過(guò)去的一年中,融合部學(xué)子積極參加各項科學(xué)學(xué)科競賽和科創(chuàng )活動(dòng),并取得了優(yōu)異成績(jì),通過(guò)教師推薦與評委審核,最終產(chǎn)生了5位“科學(xué)之星”與7位“科創(chuàng )先鋒”。他們曾在2023年英國生物/化學(xué)奧林匹克、ICQ國際化學(xué)測試、青少年AI大賽等世界、國家、市區級不同類(lèi)別的科創(chuàng )比賽中表現優(yōu)異,斬獲獎項。融合部校長(cháng)Jennifer與外方校長(cháng)David 為獲獎?wù)邆冾C發(fā)榮譽(yù)證書(shū)。

Science empowers the future; innovation determines the future! A grand openingceremony kicked off the Science Fair. In the past year, the students activelyparticipated in various science competitions and achieved excellent results. 12students stood out and won the honor of Star of Science and Science Pioneer. Theyhave excelled in the 2023 UK Biology/Chemistry Olympiad, International Chemistry Test and other world-class science and innovation competitions. Principal Jenniferand David presented certificates of honor to the winners.


Star of Science

DP11A 宗建亨Levi

DP11A 殷天宇James

DP11A 湯若儀Ruby

美加11B 鐘澤Bolt

融A(yíng)10A 孫若宸Kevin

科創(chuàng )先鋒

Science Pioneer

美加12C 王可Coco

美加12C 張競文Cici

美加11C 邵強Charles

美加10C 張兆瑞Frank

融A(yíng)9A 趙樸源Momo

融A(yíng)10A 李昭融Thomas

DP12A 陳明澤Leo

其中,12年級“科創(chuàng )先鋒”陳明澤同學(xué)在2023年全球物理前沿與空間探索挑戰賽中獲得全球特等獎。他通過(guò)自己的獲獎?wù)撐闹v述了自己從融小到DP一路走來(lái)在科學(xué)學(xué)習與科創(chuàng )過(guò)程中的體驗與收獲,為同學(xué)們提供了寶貴經(jīng)驗。

Among them, Leo Chen won the first prize in the 2023 Global Physics Frontier and Space Exploration Challenge. Through his award-winning paper, he described his experience in scientific learning innovation from PYP to DP, providing valuable experience for students.

同時(shí),融合部也非常榮幸地邀請到了MustardTek公司的創(chuàng )立人Minki先生為同學(xué)們進(jìn)行了主題為“以人為本的科學(xué)設計”的分享,他用幽默風(fēng)趣的語(yǔ)言與真實(shí)的案例,講述了使用科學(xué)技術(shù)幫助肢殘人士群體的故事。

The Integration Department was also very honored to invite Mr. Minki, the founding member of MustardTek Company, to share "human-centered design" for the students. He used humorous language and real cases to illustrate how to use science and technology to help disabled people.

最后,隨著(zhù)融合部無(wú)人機編隊“創(chuàng )新號”緩緩升空,科學(xué)展現場(chǎng)的盛況盡收眼底。融合部校長(cháng)Jennifer女士按下探索按鈕,宣告科學(xué)展正式開(kāi)幕!

Finally, as the drone formation "Innovator" slowly lifted off, the science fair scene was in full view. Principal Jennifer pressed the “explore button”, and the Science Fair was officially opened!



Science Project Presentation

作為科學(xué)展的經(jīng)典環(huán)節,IBDP11年級的同學(xué)們帶著(zhù)17個(gè)原創(chuàng )項目參加了合作科學(xué)項目展示(CSP)。CSP是一個(gè)跨學(xué)科的科學(xué)項目,引導學(xué)生們嘗試通過(guò)科學(xué)探索解決社會(huì )中的現實(shí)問(wèn)題。今年選定的主題與聯(lián)合國國際殘疾人日有關(guān),重點(diǎn)探究“為實(shí)現可持續發(fā)展的包容性社會(huì )而創(chuàng )新”。

Grade 11 students in the IB programme, recently all participated in the collaborative sciences project (CSP). The CSP is an interdisciplinary sciences project, providing a worthwhile challenge to DP students, addressing real-world problems that can be explored through the sciences. This year, the theme chosen was tied to the UN awareness day of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Our theme was "Innovating for an inclusive society to achieve the SDGs."

在策劃階段,融合部邀請了MustardTek的創(chuàng )始人Minki Chang教授設計思維。設計思維是一種重要的方法論,它有助于理解并重新構建問(wèn)題,學(xué)生們利用設計思維在頭腦風(fēng)暴會(huì )議中創(chuàng )造了大量的想法,并且采用親自動(dòng)手的方法進(jìn)行原型設計和測試。

During the planning stage, Minki Chang from MustardTek was invited to teach our students about deisgn thinking. Design thinking is a methodology which provides a solution-based approach to solving problems.


With this support, our students were able to apply the design thinking process to create their own innovative projects. There were 17 projects as outlined below:



Talk to academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences


In the "Frontier" section, we have the honor to invite Ms. Zhang Yonglian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an outstanding representative in the field of molecular endocrinology. With her outstanding academic achievements and far-reaching scientific pursuit, she has presented a unique speech for us.


After the lecture, Academician Zhang Yonglian opened a fascinating roundtable dialogue with students and teachers from the integrated division.


Academician Zhang Yonglian's lecture and roundtable dialogue not only conveyed informative , but also depicted an inspiring scientific future for the students.


創(chuàng )新—全球青少年創(chuàng )新論壇模擬答辯

Simulation presentation of CTB Global Youth Research Innovation Forum

CTB全球青年創(chuàng )新論壇是從哈佛走來(lái)的國際級別創(chuàng )新和青年交流平臺,被喻為“世界名校的創(chuàng )新力孵化器”。來(lái)自融合部的20位學(xué)子從多個(gè)角度關(guān)注社會(huì )問(wèn)題,開(kāi)啟了5個(gè)原創(chuàng )學(xué)術(shù)創(chuàng )新研究項目。尚德融合部非常榮幸邀請到了哈佛中美國際交流協(xié)會(huì )中國團隊的CTB項目組教研負責人為尚德融合部學(xué)子的研究項目進(jìn)行模擬答辯。她有著(zhù)多年P(guān)BL項目指導經(jīng)驗以及教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,并參與過(guò)許多心理學(xué)相關(guān)研究。

CTB is an international innovation exchange platform. Twenty students from the Integration Department focused on social issues from multiple perspectives and started five original academic innovative research projects. We are very honored to invite the teaching and research director of the CTB project team, to review the simulation presentation by the students. She has many years of experience directing PBL projects and teaching experience, and has conducted a lot of work in psychology.

在模擬答辯中,大家見(jiàn)證了學(xué)生們如何利用他們的創(chuàng )新能力來(lái)解析身邊的問(wèn)題并嘗試制定一個(gè)解決方案。他們的研究不僅聚焦于學(xué)術(shù)領(lǐng)域,更注重將科技創(chuàng )新與社會(huì )責任相結合。一組同學(xué)的項目探討了如何利用新型材料解決環(huán)境污染問(wèn)題;另一位同學(xué)則聚焦于高中生的情緒管理問(wèn)題。這些課題展現了學(xué)生們對于解決現實(shí)問(wèn)題的創(chuàng )新思維和責任擔當。

In the simulation presentation, we witnessed how students used their creative abilities to parse the problems around them and try to find a solution. Their research not only focuses on the academic field, but also on the combination of scientific and technological innovation and social responsibility. These projects demonstrate students' innovative thinking and responsibility for solving real-world problems.



Learning in the Greater Community

本次科學(xué)展強調“在大社區中學(xué)習”的理念,學(xué)校與社區之間的緊密聯(lián)系和互動(dòng),旨在拓展學(xué)生的學(xué)習領(lǐng)域,使教育更貼近社會(huì )實(shí)踐和現實(shí)需求。為此,學(xué)校組織了一次富有意義的活動(dòng):前往極地科普館和火龍果生態(tài)園參觀(guān)學(xué)習。

This science fair emphasizes the concept of "learning in the Greater Community". The close connection and interaction between the school and the community aims to expand the field of learning for students and bringing education closer to social practice and real needs. We organized a meaningful activity: visiting the Polar Science Museum and Dragon-fruit Ecological Park.


In the Polar Science Museum, the students visited the natural landscape of the North and South Pole, studied the development of scientific investigation in the North and South Pole, and also watched the rare Antarctic meteorites in the museum, which greatly expanded the students' knowledge and global.

在火龍果生態(tài)園展示館中,同學(xué)們參觀(guān)了熱帶植物展示區,欣賞了科普長(cháng)廊,暢游在植物和自然間,不僅拓展了植物生物知識同時(shí)也親自體驗了火龍果采摘過(guò)程,體會(huì )了植物生長(cháng)的奧義。

In the Dragon Fruit Ecological Garden exhibition hall, the students visited the tropical plant exhibition area, appreciated the science popularization corridor, which greatly expanded the knowledge of plant biology.


Grade 10 students from A Level department went to visit one of the Fortune Global 500 Magna Cosma. They fully experienced the scale of the factory, as well as the application of AI technology and automated production. They also obtained the opportunity to learn about automotive R&D, machinery production and company operations.

這種學(xué)習模式將學(xué)校教育與社區資源有效結合,促進(jìn)了學(xué)校與社區之間的互動(dòng)與合作。融合部會(huì )一直致力于為學(xué)生搭建平臺、拓展視野以社區為基礎,讓學(xué)生在實(shí)踐中學(xué)習,拓展知識和技能,培養學(xué)生的綜合素養。

The Integration Department has been committed to building a platform for students and expanding their horizons based on the community, allowing students to learn in practice, with the help of community resources and environment, to carry out various practical activities.



科學(xué)展活動(dòng)是融合部的一項重要活動(dòng),旨在展示學(xué)生們在科學(xué)領(lǐng)域的創(chuàng )新能力和成果。上海市民辦尚德實(shí)驗學(xué)校歷來(lái)重視科學(xué)教育,有著(zhù)豐富的科學(xué)課程,積極培養學(xué)生們的科學(xué)思維和方法。同時(shí),融合部也在積極開(kāi)發(fā)與鏈接更多資源,為學(xué)生們提供更大更高的學(xué)習與交流平臺,助力學(xué)生在科學(xué)領(lǐng)域有長(cháng)足的發(fā)展。希望通過(guò)這樣的活動(dòng),能夠激發(fā)同學(xué)們對科學(xué)的熱愛(ài),培養科學(xué)精神,為光明的未來(lái)打下堅實(shí)的基礎。

The Science Fair event is an important event of the Integrated Department, which aims to showcase students' innovative abilities and achievements in the field of science. At the same time, we are also actively developing and linking more resources, providing students with a larger and higher platform for learning and communication, and helping students to have a long-term development in the field of science.



