







來(lái)源:上海宏潤博源學(xué)校 時(shí)間:2023-11-02 10:28


宏潤博源每年萬(wàn)圣節前夕都會(huì )舉辦一場(chǎng)全校的狂歡聚會(huì ),活動(dòng)由宏潤博源學(xué)生會(huì )牽頭組織,師生們早早就有序開(kāi)啟籌備工作,用各種萬(wàn)圣節元素裝點(diǎn)校園,活動(dòng)在10月最后一個(gè)周四的晚上順利進(jìn)行。

Hongrun Boyuan holds a grand school-wide Halloween party every year at the end of October. The event is organized by the Hongrun Boyuan Student Union, and both teachers and students begin preparations well in advance, adorning the campus with various Halloween elements. The event takes place smoothly on the last Thursday evening of October.

今年的萬(wàn)圣節活動(dòng)比以往規模更盛大,無(wú)論從裝扮走秀的人數規模,還是livehouse的效果和節目質(zhì)量,再到密室和鬼屋的設計,都超越預期。大家度過(guò)了一個(gè)無(wú)比充實(shí)歡樂(lè )的夜晚。讓我們看看各位小編分享的活動(dòng)現場(chǎng)吧!

This year's Halloween was more magnificent in scale compared to previous years. Whether in terms of the number of participants in costume parades, the effects and quality of the livehouse, or the design of escape rooms and haunted houses, all surpassed expectations. Everyone had an incredibly fulfilling and joyful night. Let's take a look at the event scene shared by our reporters!


Nightmare Parade

顧同學(xué) (G11)
Kevin Gu (G11)

當晚,禮堂變成了一個(gè)巨大的時(shí)尚秀場(chǎng),燈光下各式各樣的造型,讓人目不暇接。每一個(gè)人都為這特別的夜晚做了充分的準備,將自己最佳的一面呈現出來(lái)。有動(dòng)漫里的各色人物、影片中的經(jīng)典造型、超級英雄、美國大兵、卡通形象……其中有些造型不僅展現了同學(xué)和老師們的創(chuàng )意,更帶來(lái)了不少的驚喜和歡笑。

That night, the auditorium transformed into a vast fashion runway with an array of styles illuminated under the lights, offering a feast for the eyes. Every inpidual was fully prepared for this special evening, showcasing their best selves. From various characters from anime, iconic styles from movies, superheroes, American soldiers, to cartoon figurines—the persity was truly astonishing. Some of these attires not only demonstrated the creativity of students and teachers but also brought about much surprise and laughter.

尤其值得一提的是文學(xué)老師Marta的血腥瑪麗形象,那淋漓的鮮血在燈光下閃閃發(fā)光,讓人既驚恐又忍不住欣賞。心理老師Chloe的“老干媽”造型真的讓人捧腹大笑,那些細致的皺紋、特色的妝容,真是太像了!美術(shù)老師Yan的服裝頭飾每年都是自己設計制作,讓人大為羨慕!不僅如此,有些同學(xué)更是巧妙地將可愛(ài)與這個(gè)節日的氛圍結合,扮演了玩偶小青蛙,跳躍在舞臺上,為現場(chǎng)帶來(lái)了不少歡樂(lè )。

Particularly noteworthy was the portrayal by literature teacher Marta of a 'Bloody Mary' figure; the vivid blood, glimmering under the lights, evoked both terror and admiration. The 'Laoganma' portrayal by psychology teacher Chloe had everyone in fits of laughter; the meticulous wrinkles and distinctive makeup were incredibly accurate! Art teacher Yan's costume accessories, which she designs and crafts every year, left everyone envious. Furthermore, some students ingeniously combined cuteness with the festive atmosphere by impersonating a toy frog, hopping joyfully on the stage, bringing a lot of merriment to the scene.

此次裝扮秀不僅僅是一個(gè)展示,更是同學(xué)和老師們對文化的尊重和對節日的熱愛(ài)。看著(zhù)大家融入這個(gè)特殊的夜晚,真正的享受每一刻,不得不說(shuō),這是一個(gè)充滿(mǎn)歡樂(lè )與創(chuàng )意的萬(wàn)圣節夜晚。

This costume showcase was not just a display; it was a testament to the respect for culture and the love for the festival from both students and teachers. Watching everyone immerse themselves in this special night, truly savoring every moment, it must be said, this was a Halloween night filled with joy and creativity.


Escape Room: Plan S

Africa.T.D (G10)
在密室逃脫活動(dòng)中,我和同學(xué)們經(jīng)歷了一次刺激又燒腦的體驗,開(kāi)始,我們被領(lǐng)進(jìn)了一個(gè)神秘房間。門(mén)在我們身后緩緩關(guān)閉,留給我們的只有昏暗的燈光和一系列的謎題。我們的任務(wù)是:在時(shí)間耗盡前,找出所有線(xiàn)索,解鎖謎題,尋找出路。起初我們都顯得有些手忙腳亂,不知所措。但很快,我們都明白,要想從這里出去,就必須團結一致、各展所長(cháng)。我們各就各位,分工明確,各司其職。游戲的過(guò)程并不是一帆風(fēng)順的。盡管有時(shí)我們因為錯過(guò)線(xiàn)索或破解不了謎題而陷入焦慮,但我們都相互鼓勵,相互支持,共同面對難關(guān)。記得距離結束還有五分鐘時(shí),我們還陷在最后兩個(gè)謎題里,大家都感到了前所未有的壓力。但面對壓力,我們更加團結,更加努力。最終,在最后的關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻,我們成功解出了謎題,擠出了那扇通往自由的門(mén)。這次的經(jīng)歷教會(huì )了我:在面對難題時(shí),只要團隊之間有信任,有默契,任何困難都不足為懼。同時(shí),我也明白了勇氣和決心的重要性,它們能幫助我們走出任何迷霧。

During the escape room activity, my classmates and I underwent an exhilarating yet mind-boggling experience. To begin, we were led into a mysterious room. The door slowly closed behind us, leaving us with only dim lighting and a series of puzzles. Our task was to find all the clues, solve the puzzles, and find a way out before time ran out. Initially, we all seemed a bit flustered and lost. But soon, we all understood that to escape, we needed unity and everyone's strengths. We took our respective places, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The game process was not without its challenges. Sometimes, we felt anxious due to missing clues or being unable to solve a puzzle. However, we encouraged and supported each other, facing the difficulties together. I remember, with only five minutes left, we were stuck on the last two puzzles, feeling an unprecedented level of pressure. But in the face of pressure, we became more united and worked harder. Ultimately, at the critical moment, we successfully solved the puzzles and squeezed through the door to freedom. This experience taught me that in the face of challenges, as long as there is trust and understanding within the team, no difficulty is insurmountable. Additionally, I learned the importance of courage and determination, as they can help us navigate through any kind of puzzle.


Haunted House

Doris Tan (G9)
夜色中,我手中托起一只發(fā)出微弱橙光的蠟燭燈,緊緊拉著(zhù)同伴的手, 在兩位“管家”的引領(lǐng)下,進(jìn)入“古堡”——行政樓鬼屋。今晚的行政樓一改往常的樣子,一塊塊黑色幕布形成彎曲的通道,漆黑一片中仿佛隨時(shí)會(huì )飛出幾只蝙蝠,不遠處隱隱約約傳來(lái)鋼琴聲,更顯得陰森恐怖。剛進(jìn)門(mén),旁邊的教室突然傳來(lái)拍打和嘶吼聲,戴著(zhù)恐怖面具的NPC趴在玻璃前,引起我們一陣尖叫。驚魂未定的我們循著(zhù)琴聲,緊拉著(zhù)手,一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)深入。黑暗中不時(shí)有手持道具的NPC嘶吼著(zhù)突然沖出來(lái),也經(jīng)常有恐怖逼真的道具漸漸浮現于微弱的燭光下。琴聲越來(lái)越清晰,剛被門(mén)口懸掛的“斷臂”嚇到的我們小心地推開(kāi)教室門(mén),借著(zhù)燭光分辨鋼琴演奏者的身影。這時(shí),又有NPC從教室暗處走出來(lái),我們慌忙逃跑中,更是被一路突然冒出的叫喊著(zhù)的NPC,“憑空出現”的恐怖道具嚇得尖叫聲不斷。被一路“追殺”著(zhù),終于到了出口。雖然知道那一幅幅恐怖面具下的都是熟悉的同學(xué),但還是心有余悸,同時(shí)也深深地佩服他們的投入與敬業(yè),帶給我們一次難忘而獨特的萬(wàn)圣節鬼屋體驗!

In the darkness of the night, I held a dimly lit orange candle lantern and tightly grasped my companion's hand. Guided by two "stewards," we entered the "castle" - the haunted house in the admin building. Tonight, the admin building appeared drastically different from its usual self. Blocks of black curtains formed twisted passages, creating an eerie darkness that felt like bats might fly out at any moment. Faint piano sounds echoed from somewhere, further adding to the sinister and terrifying ambiance. Just upon entering, adjacent classrooms suddenly emitted banging and roaring sounds, and NPCs wearing horrifying masks were sprawled against the glass, causing us to scream in surprise. Frightened but curious, we followed the sound of the piano, holding onto each other's hands, and ventured further in. NPCs, equipped with props, intermittently roared out of the darkness, and terrifyingly realistic props emerged under the faint candlelight. As the piano sounds grew clearer, we cautiously pushed open the classroom door, startled by the "severed arm" hanging at the entrance, while using the candlelight to distinguish the pianist's figure. At this moment, another NPC emerged from the dark corner of the classroom, causing us to panic and flee. Along the way, the sudden appearance of screaming NPCs and terrifying props made us scream continuously as if they had appeared out of nowhere. Being "pursued" throughout, we finally arrived at the exit. Despite knowing that the horrifying masks were worn by familiar classmates, there was still a lingering sense of horror. At the same time, I deeply admired their dedication and professionalism, which provided us with an unforgettable and uniquely eerie Halloween haunted house experience!

Livehouse 音樂(lè )秀

Livhouse Music Show

Flora Fu
第一次在學(xué)校參加由學(xué)生組織的Livehouse,感覺(jué)十分震撼和難忘。走秀結束后一來(lái)到藝術(shù)廣場(chǎng),就被動(dòng)感的音樂(lè )和燈光所吸引。今年的表演呈現了各種風(fēng)格的表演,從Hip-hop到搖滾,再到流行樂(lè )和舞蹈,不由自主地讓人湊近舞臺,跟著(zhù)音樂(lè )律動(dòng)。彩色燈光的閃爍、音響效果的迷幻,這些元素營(yíng)造了一個(gè)令人陶醉的空間。大家對音樂(lè )的真摯熱情感染了在場(chǎng)的每一位觀(guān)眾,穿著(zhù)各種裝扮的師生也長(cháng)時(shí)間駐足在觀(guān)眾席,一起享受音樂(lè )的魅力。
Participating in the school's livehouse for the first time was a profoundly awe-inspiring and unforgettable experience for me. Upon leaving the parades in the hall, I was drawn to the vibrant music and lighting in the art square. This year’s performances presented a variety of styles, ranging from Hip-hop to rock, and even pop music and dance, involuntarily pulling people closer to the stage, dancing to the rhythm of the music. The flickering colored lights and mesmerizing sound effects created an enchanting space. Everyone's sincere passion for music infected every person present, and both teachers and students, dressed in various costumes, stood for an extended time in the audience area, enjoying the allure of the music together.

顧同學(xué)的手在前面體育運動(dòng)中受傷了,但仍然堅持演出完自己的節目再去醫院,校醫做好包扎,同學(xué)在臺上盡情施展活力四射的演出,就像沒(méi)有受傷一樣。一種強烈的青春熱情讓人動(dòng)容,我隨著(zhù)音樂(lè )搖動(dòng)手中的熒光棒,更加投入地感受這場(chǎng)音樂(lè )盛宴。

Despite an injury sustained in sports activities earlier, Kevin persevered to complete his performance on stage before heading to the hospital. The school doctor provided necessary bandaging, allowing Kevin to perform with exuberance, as if uninjured. A strong sense of youthful passion touched everyone. I waved a glow stick in my hand in rhythm with the music, feeling even more immersed in this musical feast.

現場(chǎng)的每一個(gè)細節都是如此迷人,每一個(gè)節目的精彩表現令人難以忘懷。這次的音樂(lè )節不僅是一場(chǎng)歌聲的盛宴,更是學(xué)生們熱情投入和活力的真實(shí)寫(xiě)照。

Every detail of the event was incredibly captivating, and each performance was so splendid that it’s hard to forget. This music festival was not just a feast of songs but a genuine reflection of students' passionate involvement and vitality.


“Hello”ween Games

Carrie Ye(G9)
今年的萬(wàn)圣節,除了精彩緊張的鬼屋密室和livehouse表演外,活動(dòng)組織者在廊坊自習室還為大家精心準備了一系列趣味游戲,讓同學(xué)們在休閑時(shí)刻盡情放松。除了使用學(xué)校提供的材料,還有同學(xué)帶來(lái)了各種有趣的桌游卡牌,比如狼人殺、海龜湯以及UNO等。這些游戲不僅提供了娛樂(lè ),更助于培養了大家的邏輯思維和團隊協(xié)作能力。

Apart from the thrilling haunted house escapes and livehouse performances, the event organizers meticulously arranged a series of entertaining games for everyone to relax and enjoy during their leisure time. Alongside the materials provided by the school, students brought in various enjoyable tabletop card games such as Werewolf, Exploding Kittens, and UNO. These games not only provided entertainment but also contributed to the development of everyone's logical thinking and teamwork skills.

其中,我與好友們尤其喜歡玩UNO,這款全球知名的卡牌游戲不只是簡(jiǎn)單的娛樂(lè ),更是一種與伙伴們心與心的交流。在這種節奏明快、充滿(mǎn)策略的游戲中,大家互相比拼智慧和運氣,共同分享歡樂(lè )和驚喜。時(shí)間在歡笑中仿佛轉瞬即逝,桌游的過(guò)程中既需要精明的個(gè)人智慧,又需要的團隊信任和配合。這將成為我們未來(lái)珍藏的美好記憶。

Among these games, my friends and I particularly enjoyed playing UNO. This globally renowned card game is not merely simple entertainment but a form of heartfelt communication among companions. In this fast-paced, strategic game, everyone tested their intelligence and luck, sharing joy and surprises together. Time seemed to fly amidst laughter, and the process of playing these tabletop games required both inpidual astuteness and team trust and cooperation. These moments will undoubtedly be cherished as beautiful memories for us.

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