







來(lái)源:上海美高學(xué)校 時(shí)間:2024-02-09 04:35



藝術(shù)教育真正的目的是讓受教育者在藝術(shù)學(xué)習與實(shí)踐中學(xué)會(huì )形象感知和形象思維,并在對美的感知、感受中形成完善的人格,進(jìn)而有更好的比較、判斷、聯(lián)想和創(chuàng )造的能力,更強的表達、表現能力。這樣的人,做什么事情都會(huì )比別人更優(yōu)秀。

上海美高雙語(yǔ)的藝術(shù)課程教育遠遠不止于培養學(xué)生對美的感知和個(gè)人素養、激發(fā)孩子的表達力、聯(lián)想力和創(chuàng )造力,而是培養孩子具有高雅的藝術(shù)品味和盡善盡美追求的精英人才!


LWS Art Department

Jonathan |藝術(shù)老師

Jonathan老師, 畢業(yè)于紐約普瑞特藝術(shù)學(xué)院,主修藝術(shù)和設計教育。曾任教公立學(xué)校和國際學(xué)校K-12學(xué)生藝術(shù)課程。同時(shí),還在普瑞特藝術(shù)學(xué)院給當地小學(xué)生教授藝術(shù)課程,之前一直在美國紐約工作,加入美高學(xué)校后任職外教班主任和藝術(shù)課程。

Message to Living Word’s students:

Anyone can become an artist, but you can be an artist that make changes.

美高藝術(shù)課程的目標是通過(guò)為孩子提供一個(gè)積極互動(dòng)的良好學(xué)習氛圍,來(lái)培養學(xué)生的創(chuàng )造力、自我表達能力以及對藝術(shù)的熱愛(ài)。

Our goal is to foster creativity, self-expression, and a love for the artistic process. Through a supportive learning environment and interactive activities.

Here are some different key points that is important in our learning environment and in our art classes.

創(chuàng )造力與自我表達Creativity and Self-Expression

我們藝術(shù)課的主要目標是鼓勵孩子的創(chuàng )造力和自我表達。通過(guò)各種項目和活動(dòng),孩子將有機會(huì )探索不同的藝術(shù)材料并發(fā)揮他們的想象力。

The primary focus of our art class is to encourage creativity and self-expression. Through various projects and activities, your child will have the opportunity to explore different art materials and unleash their imagination.

動(dòng)手實(shí)踐學(xué)習Hands-On Learning


Our curriculum is designed to be hands-on, allowing children to actively engage with art materials and learn through direct experience. This approach promotes sensory exploration and fine motor skill development.

學(xué)生不僅可以學(xué)習繪畫(huà),還可以通過(guò)動(dòng)手制作不同的二維或三維藝術(shù)作品,體驗學(xué)習藝術(shù)的樂(lè )趣。

Your child will not only learn to draw, but they will also experience learning art through using their hands and building different art project that are in 2-D or 3-D.


This is an example of 3D art that was made by our students, the theme of the lesson was Halloween haunted house

基礎美術(shù)技法介紹Introduction to Basic Art Techniques

以下我們會(huì )介紹適合一年級學(xué)生發(fā)展階段的基本美術(shù)技巧。這些技法將成為今后學(xué)習更高級技能的 "學(xué)習基石"。

We will introduce fundamental art techniques suitable for the developmental stage of grade 1 students. These techniques will form the “learning building blocks” for more advanced skills in the future.

協(xié)同環(huán)境Collaborative Environment


Our art class emphasizes collaboration and sharing. Students will participate in group projects, fostering a sense of community and teamwork while learning from one another.

雙語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言學(xué)習Bilingual Language Learning


We value learning art in both Chinese and English. Our students have art class twice a week, where one of each classes will be taught by Chinese Art teacher and Foreign Art teacher.


Through the art learning and practice process with the bilingual teaching environment, students are able to grasp artistic skills in both languages

彰顯個(gè)性Celebrating Individuality

每一個(gè)孩子都是獨一無(wú)二的,我們在藝術(shù)課上鼓勵孩子發(fā)展個(gè)性。每一位孩子都可以自由地用自己的方式表達自我,建立自信和積極樂(lè )觀(guān)的形象。

Every child is unique, and we celebrate individuality in our art class. Your child will have the freedom to express themselves in their own way, building confidence and a positive self-image

這是我們和學(xué)生們一起完成的項目,我們一起探索畢加索的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格。學(xué)生們可以發(fā)揮想象畫(huà)自畫(huà)像表達自己。他們會(huì )思考如果畢加索給自己畫(huà)畫(huà),會(huì )是什么樣子。

This is a project we did with our students where they explore the artistic style of Picasso. Where they had the freedom to express themselves through drawing self-portraits. They begin to think about how and what they would look like if they were painted by Picasso.

與藝術(shù)建立積極聯(lián)系Creating a Positive Association with Art

我們的最主要的目標是讓孩子對藝術(shù)產(chǎn)生積極的聯(lián)想,培養他們對創(chuàng )造力的終生欣賞。我們希望,孩子在美高的美術(shù)課上的經(jīng)歷將有助于培養他們對藝術(shù)表達的持久熱愛(ài)。

Our primary goal is to create a positive association with art, instilling a lifelong appreciation for creativity. We hope that your child's experiences in our art class will contribute to a lasting love for artistic expression.

特別是在低年級,我們強調使用顏色、形狀和線(xiàn)條來(lái)創(chuàng )作藝術(shù)作品,以提高他們對藝術(shù)的興趣。這是因為這些元素確實(shí)是學(xué)習不同藝術(shù)技能的基礎工具,而且可以在他們的藝術(shù)學(xué)習中一直使用。

Especially at younger grade levels, we emphasize on using colors, shapes and lines to create artwork that will boost their interest in art. This is because these elements really acts as a building tool to learn about different art skills, and can be used throughout their artistic learning.

在美高 ,無(wú)論學(xué)生的年齡有多大,無(wú)論他們的求學(xué)之路將走向何方,藝術(shù)實(shí)踐都是非常重要的。我們希望通過(guò)從小培養學(xué)生對藝術(shù)的熱愛(ài),讓他們在生活中不同領(lǐng)域繼續運用這種技能。

It is important at LWS for our students to continue the artistic practice no matter how old they are and where their educational journey would take them. We hope through creating a love for arts at a young age they will continue to use this skill in different areas of their lives.


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