






College Life: BCIS Alumni |BCIS校友走世界之大學(xué)校園故事 – Mimi Guan

來(lái)源:北京樂(lè )成國際學(xué)校 時(shí)間:2019-02-20 10:40

  College always seemed like such a far distance away. It always seemed like such a daunting thought that I would one day go off to university and leave everything I knew behind. As summer ended, and it was time for me to move into my new dorm, I knew a part of my life was over. As I sit down and write this, it still scares me that I am a university student. I still feel as though I should return to the loud hallways of BCIS, finishing off assignments and studying for final exams. I chose to do the full DP diploma, which meant I had to take TOK, write an EE, and take all my final exams. I chose to take this route because I felt it would help prepare me for the workload in university. I can gladly say that after experiencing the DP, I am fully prepared for the workload Parsons gives me. For my foundation year, I have four different final projects, one of which is to write a 10-page research paper. Something I know how to do and am not afraid to do because of the extended essay. Unfortunately, I don’t have as much time to work on it as I did with my extended essay, but writing such a huge paper isn’t foreign to me anymore.

  For my foundation year at Parsons, a lot of my assignments are art bases, which is something I really enjoy. I constantly have deadlines that I have to meet each week, but I am able to handle the rush because I feel as though I had the same amount of work constantly due in the final years of DP. I actually prefer the work I do here since nearly all my assignments are art based, as opposed to the different subjects I had to tackle in high school that I wasn’t so interested in, like English or math. My classes are also quite small, with only around 20 people in each. It is not like a typical university where there are 250 students in one lecture. The classes are much like the classes back in high school where I get to know my professor and my professor is able to help me create my best work.

  Taking the full DP program also helped me a lot with my course choices in university. With the grades I received for my final exams, I was able to earn transfer credits for different courses. I was able to earn a total of 18 credits from my final exams, which made my life easier in university. Because of that, I am able to take less courses in the future and concentrate more on my course work. It also gives me an advantage with registering for classes earlier than everyone else because I have a certain amount of credits already. However, this is just my personal experience at university.

  Moving to New York has been a big change. Before arriving, many people told me how much fun I would have here and that I would have the time of my life in such a famous city. Although I love it, no one has really talked about how much of a toll this change would have on my life. Everyone deals with change differently, but I found adjusting to my new life much more difficult than I expected. One thing I wish someone prepared me better for was how significant this change would be. Overall however, I am really enjoying university life and I feel as though BCIS has thoroughly prepared me for university.

  大學(xué)似乎看起來(lái)總是離我們很遙遠。但我知道總有一天我會(huì )去上大學(xué),把我所熟知的一切都拋在腦后,這聽(tīng)起來(lái)有些讓人害怕,因為要面對新的事物。隨著(zhù)夏天的結束,是時(shí)候我要搬進(jìn)新的宿舍了,同時(shí)和過(guò)去的一部分生活說(shuō)再見(jiàn)。當我坐下來(lái)開(kāi)始寫(xiě)這篇文章的時(shí)候,我清醒地意識到我已經(jīng)是一名大學(xué)生了,這樣的新身份讓我覺(jué)得有些小畏懼。我依稀感覺(jué)又“穿越“回了BCIS忙碌,熱鬧的校園,去完成我的作業(yè)和期末考試。我選擇了進(jìn)修DP全科課程,這意味著(zhù)我將必須參加TOK課程,寫(xiě)EE(論文),以及通過(guò)所有的期末考試。我選擇走這樣的路是因為我覺(jué)得它可以在申請大學(xué)上幫助我,做好準備。在經(jīng)歷了DP之后,對于帕森設計學(xué)院的學(xué)習任務(wù),我已經(jīng)做好了充分的準備,這一點(diǎn)讓我十分開(kāi)心。在大學(xué)預科階段,我有四個(gè)不同的項目要在期末完成,其中一個(gè)是寫(xiě)一篇10頁(yè)的研究論文。我知道該如何去完成,也不懼怕它的長(cháng)度要求。但是,像之前的一篇長(cháng)篇論文一樣,我沒(méi)有那么的時(shí)間可以用來(lái)寫(xiě)這篇10頁(yè)長(cháng)的研究論文,雖然長(cháng)度對于我來(lái)說(shuō)已經(jīng)不是什么難事。

  在帕森設計學(xué)院讀預科的時(shí)候,我的很多作業(yè)都是和藝術(shù)課程相關(guān),這讓我非常開(kāi)心。每周我都會(huì )有“最后期限”來(lái)完成不同的任務(wù),但是我都能夠處理好這些事情,這多虧了在樂(lè )成DP課程兩年的學(xué)習經(jīng)歷,因為這兩段時(shí)期的工作量是一樣的。其實(shí),我更愿意完成帕森設計學(xué)院的學(xué)習任務(wù),因為都是和藝術(shù),也就是我鐘愛(ài)的領(lǐng)域相關(guān)的,而高中時(shí)期需要完成的是不同科目,那時(shí)的我對英語(yǔ)和數學(xué)不太感興趣。在帕森,我的課程班型都是小班,每班大約只有20人,這和大家印象中典型大學(xué)里250人學(xué)生大班課程是大相徑庭的。我的這些課程和高中的課程相似,我可以及時(shí)地和教授溝通,他/她也可以幫助我創(chuàng )造出更好的作品。

  DP課程的學(xué)習在我選擇大學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)時(shí)起了很大的作用。根據期末考試成績(jì),我可以累計學(xué)分, 用來(lái)“兌換”大學(xué)不同課程的學(xué)分。實(shí)際上,在期末考試中我一共獲得18學(xué)分,這讓我在大學(xué)的學(xué)術(shù)生活輕松了很多。也正是如此,在之后我可以少修幾門(mén)課程,把更多的時(shí)間和精力放在我的專(zhuān)業(yè)課程中。同時(shí),這些學(xué)分也讓我先于其他同學(xué)進(jìn)行選課,但這也僅僅是我個(gè)人的經(jīng)驗,不知道是否適用于所有人。

  搬去紐約對于我來(lái)說(shuō)是個(gè)非常大的挑戰。在到達之前,許多人告訴我這座“世界之城”將會(huì )帶給我很多樂(lè )趣,我將會(huì )十分享受在其中。我很喜歡這里,但是沒(méi)有人真正告訴過(guò)我這座城市將會(huì )給我的生活帶來(lái)多大的影響。面對這樣的變化每個(gè)人都有不同的應對方式,但是對于我來(lái)說(shuō)適應新生活比我想象的要困難得多。當然,要是能有人提前告訴我,這個(gè)“變化的面積”有多大那就再好不過(guò)了 。整體來(lái)說(shuō),我很享受現在的大學(xué)時(shí)光,我覺(jué)得BCIS學(xué)習生涯已為我的大學(xué)生活早早地鋪平了道路。

北京樂(lè )成國際學(xué)校 升學(xué)指導入口


